BMA Blog

Gain valuable insight into Medicare Advantage policy from our research experts, read stories of beneficiaries whose lives are better because of MA, or catch up on news you may have missed.

Medicare Advantage: Leading the Way on Healthy Aging January 22, 2015

A new issue brief released today by the Better Medicare Alliance highlighted some important results: Medicare Advantage is showing improved rates of preventive care, care coordination and screening for our nation’s seniors, ensuring that they receive timely…

It’s Time To Focus on the Value of Medicare Advantage December 8, 2014

As a Democratic staffer in the Senate during the debate and passage of the Medicare Modernization Act in 2003, I was concerned about private plans getting more involved in Medicare. Why were we going to…

Senior Stories
My Wife and I Are Retired Teachers From Michigan

Kirby Fisher, Michigan My wife and I are retired teachers from Michigan. For 32 years I taught mostly math and science to students in grades K-12 in the public school system in Michigan before teaching…

Take Action!

Better Medicare Alliance is made strong through the actions of our best grassroots supporters, BMA Advocates and BMA Ambassadors.