BMA Blog

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The Real Story on Medicare Advantage Costs and Spending November 19, 2021

by Mary Beth Donahue A recent Kaiser Health News article parroted a series of salacious claims on Medicare Advantage spending. “Critics have argued for years that Medicare Advantage costs taxpayers too much,” the article reports.…

Setting the Record Straight on Axios’s Recent Coverage of Medicare Advantage August 11, 2021

By Jonathan Frank As Medicare Advantage continues to grow – driven by diverse, medically complex, and at-risk beneficiaries who make an active choice to enroll – so, too, does the outcry from those with an…

Medicare Advantage Creates Benefits For Providers Amid COVID-19 And Beyond June 7, 2021

By Allyson Y. Schwartz Picture this: a global pandemic when doctors and health care personnel are most critical – yet doctors’ offices were shuttered and access to care was limited and uncertain. We don’t have…

Medicare Advantage Is How We Say “Thank You” to Our Kentucky Retired Teacher Heroes April 20, 2021

By Jane Cheshire Gilbert, CPA Ask any parent of school-aged children and they’ll be quick to tell you – the COVID-19 pandemic has instilled in them a newfound respect for the role of teachers. I…

Make Diabetes Prevention Programs the Next Step in Medicare Advantage’s Rapid Digital Health Adoption March 17, 2021

By Julia Hu CEO and Co-Founder, Lark Health When reflecting on the last year, it’s easy to get wrapped up with what went wrong as health care was turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic…

A Medicare Advantage Perspective on HHS Secretary-Designate Xavier Becerra’s Confirmation Hearings February 25, 2021

By Jonathan Frank President Joe Biden has nominated California Attorney General and former Congressman Xavier Becerra to serve as the 25th Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The next HHS Secretary…

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