BMA Blog

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Correcting the Record: The Facts on Medicare Advantage Payment and Accountability July 23, 2024

The Wall Street Journal recently published a story regarding diagnoses and plan payments in Medicare Advantage. The story was fundamentally flawed and overlooked the value of Medicare Advantage for millions of American seniors. Here are…

Protecting Medicare Advantage for Seniors in Underserved Populations March 19, 2024

By Rose Maljanian, Chairman of Population Health Alliance and CEO of HealthCAWS, and Mary Beth Donahue, President and CEO of the Better Medicare Alliance Medicare Advantage provides over 32 million seniors and people with disabilities…

New bipartisan survey: Seniors oppose reducing Medicare Advantage funding — and will vote accordingly February 27, 2024

By Mary Beth Donahue, President and CEO, Better Medicare Alliance and Boris Vabson, Ph.D., Research Faculty at Harvard Medical School and Nonresident Health Policy Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the USC-Schaeffer Center   Thirty-two…

As Diabetes Month Draws to a Close, Medicare Advantage Continues Innovating to Meet Seniors’ Diabetic Needs November 28, 2022

By Mary Beth Donahue Each year, November is recognized as National Diabetes Month. As the month draws to a close, and as Medicare beneficiaries weigh their health coverage options during this open enrollment period, seniors…

Medicare Advantage—Delivering Value and Cost Savings for Beneficiaries and Taxpayers October 18, 2022

By Mary Beth Donahue and Jerry Penso, M.D. As Medicare’s annual open enrollment period begins, Medicare beneficiaries will find high-quality and affordable coverage options to choose from, including increasingly popular Medicare Advantage plans. The Centers…

Empowering Seniors to Choose: The Facts About Medicare Advantage Marketing Communications September 13, 2022

By Greg Gierer, MPP During Medicare’s upcoming open enrollment period, which begins on October 15, seniors will have the opportunity to choose between the coverage options available to them. More than 29 million seniors and…

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