Press Releases
February 25, 2015

New Medicare Advantage Coalition Launches Ad Campaign

The Better Medicare Alliance today released the first two ads of a major campaign to stop proposed new cuts to Medicare Advantage.


Running in digital, print and display outlets and on social media, the campaign juxtaposes the prospect of more Medicare Advantage cuts against the program’s value to and popularity among seniors.


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) last Friday announced proposed new cuts to Medicare Advantage payment rates for 2016. Following a public comment period, it is expected that final 2016 Medicare Advantage rates will be announced on April 6, 2015.


The proposed new cuts for 2016 would add to the series of deep annual cuts to Medicare Advantage enacted in recent years. The Better Medicare Alliance recently released a new actuarial analysis from Milliman showing Medicare Advantage beneficiaries are paying more and getting less as a result of cuts implemented from 2012-2015. The report found that seniors who need the most care have seen their maximum annual out-of-pocket costs increase by up to $761. While Medicare beneficiaries in 211 U.S. counties now have no access to Medicare Advantage. See the Milliman report here.


In recent weeks, members of the Better Medicare Alliance have shared their perspectives on the value of Medicare Advantage, citing its track record on innovation, preventive care, chronic disease management, and its importance to diverse communities.


About the Better Medicare Alliance

The Better Medicare Alliance (BMA) is a new coalition of providers, plans, beneficiaries and advocates who believe Medicare Advantage is better for seniors and better for the health care system. To see the first ads in the campaign, please visit

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