BMA Statement on 2024 Medicare Advantage Proposed Rule
Washington, D.C. – Better Medicare Alliance, the nation’s leading research and advocacy organization supporting Medicare Advantage, responded today to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) 2024 Medicare Advantage proposed rule.
“Better Medicare Alliance commends CMS’s work on delivering a thoughtful, comprehensive proposed rule and appreciates the agency’s engagement with stakeholders across the health care spectrum ahead of the rulemaking process,” said Mary Beth Donahue, President and CEO of the Better Medicare Alliance. “We look forward to conducting a more thorough review of the rule in light of our newly-released policy recommendations and looking for opportunities for collaboration. We remain committed to partnering with policymakers and regulators to protect the more than 29 million diverse Americans who choose enrollment in Medicare Advantage.”
Earlier today, Better Medicare Alliance unveiled a groundbreaking set of recommendations designed to build upon the success of Medicare Advantage and improve the value of the program for seniors. Recommendations include conducting Risk Adjustment Data Validation audits of every Medicare Advantage plan annually, applying audit changes prospectively rather than retroactively, implementing best practices for in-home health risk assessments, ensuring beneficiaries receive accurate information about their Medicare choices, and delivering coordinated supplemental benefits to meet beneficiaries’ medical and social needs.