Press Releases
February 19, 2016

Better Medicare Alliance Statement on Preliminary Medicare Advantage Rate Notice

Better Medicare Alliance (BMA) President and CEO Allyson Y. Schwartz released the following statement in response to the CY2017 preliminary Medicare Advantage rate notice released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):


Contact: Adjoa Adofo


Washington, D.C. (February 19, 2016) – Better Medicare Alliance (BMA) President and CEO Allyson Y. Schwartz released the following statement in response to the CY2017 preliminary Medicare Advantage rate notice released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):

“Medicare Advantage is improving health care and advancing innovation in care coordination delivered by doctors, nurses, and other providers for over 17 million beneficiaries across the country.

There are elements in the CY 2017 Advance Notice that could disrupt stability in payments and policies, subsequently impacting access to affordable, quality care for Medicare Advantage beneficiaries, particularly retirees who receive Medicare Advantage health insurance coverage through an employer.

BMA believes that the ability of Medicare Advantage to enable the delivery of high-quality care for beneficiaries should be protected, particularly as Medicare Advantage continues to be a critical option for the most vulnerable Medicare beneficiaries. The proposed policies should be consistent with the shared goal of moving toward paying providers based on the quality, rather than the quantity, of care.

There is tremendous interest from key stakeholders in our broad coalition, including providers and plans, that the Administration protects stability and predictability in Medicare Advantage.

We will continue to carefully analyze today’s preliminary rate notice and call letter. Subsequently, BMA will issue a summary analysis and share perspectives from our ally organizations who believe that Medicare Advantage works.”


Better Medicare Alliance | The Better Medicare Alliance (BMA) is the leading coalition of nurses, doctors, health plans, employers, aging service agencies, advocates, retiree organizations, and beneficiaries supporting Medicare Advantage. Medicare Advantage offers quality, affordability and simplicity, with enhanced benefits to more than 17 million Medicare beneficiaries across America. BMA works to ensure the sustainability and stability of Medicare Advantage through information, research, education, and united support among stakeholders to strengthen this important coverage for seniors and people with disabilities. For more information please visit

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