February 6, 2020

Read Better Medicare Alliance’s letter to CMS on allowing audio-only telehealth visits for risk assessment purposes.

Telehealth is already improving access to health care across Medicare Advantage. Even before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, an actuarial analysis commissioned by Better Medicare Alliance found that over two-thirds of Medicare Advantage plans provided telehealth as a supplemental benefit. Now, with new flexibilities granted to ease adoption of telehealth in the face of the current COVID-19 crisis, a poll conducted by Morning Consult for Better Medicare Alliance finds that 91% of seniors on Medicare Advantage who use this technology report a positive experience.

  • Read a fact sheet on flexibilities granted to Medicare Advantage amid the COVID-19 pandemic, including those related to telehealth, here.
  • Read Better Medicare Alliance’s recent blog post on seniors’ telehealth stories here.
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