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Better Medicare Alliance’s 2022 “State of Medicare Advantage” Webinar

September 14, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Better Medicare Alliance’s 2022 “State of Medicare Advantage” webinar originally aired on This webinar originally aired live on September 14, 2022. The event provides a detailed look at the Medicare Advantage landscape today, using facts and data from BMA’s State of Medicare Advantage report.


  • Mary Beth Donahue, MPP, President and CEO, Better Medicare Alliance
  • Sue Daugherty, RDN, LDN, CEO, MANNA
  • Karla Radka, President and CEO, Senior Resource Alliance
  • Erine Gray, MPA, Founder and CEO of findhelp
  • Greg Gierer, MPP, Vice President of Policy and Research, Better Medicare Alliance