Better Medicare Alliance’s annual Medicare Advantage Leadership and Policy Forum is the premier event for meaningful conversations on emerging policies and trends in Medicare Advantage and the future of care delivery.
Join health care stakeholders, policymakers, and top experts at an informative two-day forum in Washington, D.C. to discuss and develop policy changes that will shape the future of health care for millions of Medicare beneficiaries. Located at Convene, 600 14th Street NW, Washington, D.C.
Register today at MedicareAdvantageForum.org.
- Jonathan Blum, Principal Deputy Administrator and Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Ellen Lukens, Deputy Director, Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMS Innovation Center)
- Jim Rechtin, President & CEO, Humana
- Congressman Blake Moore, Utah’s First Congressional District
- Congressman Darren Soto, Florida’s Ninth Congressional District
- Congressman Brett Guthrie, Kentucky’s Second Congressional District
- Nancy LeaMond, Chief Advocacy & Engagement Officer, AARP
- Ipyana Spencer, Chief Health Officer, Meals on Wheels America
- Rebecca Kirch, Executive Vice President of Policy and Programs, National Patient Advocate Foundation
- June Simmons, President and CEO, Partners in Care Foundation
- Juliet Choi, President and CEO, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
- Jane Gilbert, Senior Federal Strategies Liaison, Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Kentucky
- Mike Cheek, President and CEO, Special Needs Plan Alliance
- Bill Finerfrock, Co-Founder, National Association of Rural Health Clinics
- Boris Vabson, Harvard Medical School, American Enterprise Institute and the USC-Schaeffer Cente
- Misha Segal, Managing Director, Berkeley Research Group
- Nathan Gonzales, Editor and Publisher, Inside Elections
- Susan Dentzer, President and CEO, America’s Physician Groups
- Bob Blancato, Executive Director, National Association of Nutrition and Aging Service Programs
- Maria Ghazal, President and CEO, Healthcare Leadership Council
- Molly Schild, Director, Public Policy, CVS Health
- Kristen Lunde, Director of Managed Care Strategy and Operations, ATI Advisory
- Duana Patton, Chief Executive Officer, Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
- Gabe Isaacson, Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company
- Allison Rizer. Executive Vice President of Payer Solutions. ATI Advisory
- Tom Bednar, Senior Vice President & Counsel, Healthsperien