To Be An Ally
BMA Allies support the mission to advocate for Medicare Advantage and participate in some or all of the following ways:
- Offer expertise, experience, data, and advice on policy to BMA, including sharing policy documents and engaging in discussions with BMA on current issues and strategy
- Provide written material such as informational or opinion blogs that offer the organization’s perspective and experience with Medicare Advantage, to be posted, at BMA’s discretion, on the BMA website and made available in BMA public reports
- Sign letters and commentary as a part of BMA’s list of Allies
- Participate in public speaking engagements sponsored by BMA, or on behalf of BMA, including panels and briefings
- Invite BMA representatives to speak to your organization members, conferences, or events
- Include information on BMA’s mission and activities on the organization’s website, newsletter, or other communication to the membership, as appropriate
- Introduce BMA to other stakeholder organizations and encourage their participation in BMA
- Allow the organization’s name and logo to be posted on the BMA website and used on BMA materials