Researchers and Doers

Led by Mary Beth Donahue, Better Medicare Alliance and our team drives the future of health care forward through data-driven evidence and research supporting Medicare Advantage. Leading health care policy researchers, dedicated communications experts, and grassroots organizers create our effective team. As the leading voice on Medicare Advantage, Better Medicare Alliance’s staff, board of directors and council of scholars are nimble and skilled, driving innovative solutions forward for Medicare.

Our Council of Scholars

As a unique coalition who care about Medicare Advantage, we solicit the advice and guidance of experts and thought leaders in health policy and health economics to serve as a resource to the board and staff of Better Medicare Alliance.

Senior Vice President for Policy Research at NEHI—Network for Excellence in Health Innovation
Professor in the Department of Health Administration at Virginia Commonwealth University
Professor of Health Policy and Management at Harvard University
Hoover Institution Fellow, Stanford Public Policy Faculty, Brunswick Senior Counselor & Former Romney Policy Director
Senior Fellow for Health Policy at Third Way
Professor at University of Michigan Medical School
Chair Health Policy and Management at Emory University
Director and Robert J. Margolis, MD, Professor of Business, Medicine and Policy at Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
Senior Vice President at Global Health, Executive Director of the Institute of Global Health Equality, Meharry Medical College