Medicare Advantage Earns Record Bipartisan Support in Senate
Better Medicare Alliance Praises Senate Support for Value-Driven Care Led by Medicare Option Chosen by 18 Million
Washington, D.C. – Better Medicare Alliance (BMA) President and CEO Allyson Y. Schwartz, released the following statement in response to a letter to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Acting Administrator Patrick Conway signed by 65 members of the U.S. Senate ahead of the annual rate notice on Medicare Advantage:
“While everyone deliberates over the future of health care, lawmakers, providers, and 18 million Americans agree there is no debate that Medicare Advantage continues to be the bright spot in care.
“As a representative of 80 health, business, and advocacy organizations as well as over 200,000 beneficiaries, Better Medicare Alliance is pleased to see the highest ever bipartisan support in the Senate for Medicare Advantage.
“Medicare Advantage is a proven public-private partnership where healthy outcomes are valued over volume, and early management of chronic conditions improves outcomes. Under Medicare Advantage, costs are more predictable and affordable for beneficiaries.
“As a former member of Congress, I thank Senators Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Bill Nelson (D-FL) for their leadership to bring together bipartisan support for Medicare Advantage during a time of discord in Congress. We encourage Acting Administrator Patrick Conway at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to work with lawmakers calling on the new Administration to build on the success of Medicare Advantage as a key model for the future of health care.”
Better Medicare Alliance is the leading coalition on Medicare Advantage. Our mission is to build a healthy future by advocating for a strong Medicare Advantage. As a community of experts, we’re leading the way on health care through research, advocacy, and grassroots organization to create a path forward for innovative, modern health care on behalf of seniors and people with disabilities. For more information, please visit